主訴:臉型太凸 ,先天性缺牙
治療目標:改善臉型 拔右上第一小臼齒 並關閉拔牙和缺牙空間
治療計劃:數位隱形矯正 上顎利用拔牙和缺牙空間合并骨釘將牙齒排列整齊並後縮 下顎則利用IPRs 創造空間將牙齒排列整齊並後縮
治療機制:Class II and Class III elastics, IPR,Extraction. TADs.
Chief Complaint: Bimaxillary protrusion. Congenital missing.
Goals of Treatment: Change profile. Close the extraction space.
Diagnosis: Class II malocclusion. High MM angle.
Therapy and Mechanism: Maxima anchorage in the upper arch. Extraction. Arch expansion. IPR, Leveling and aligning.Space closing.